Here you can find interface translations for Endless Slideshow Screensaver. They are available as stand-alone installations, so simply download any file you want and run it to translate Endless Slideshow Screensaver interface into different language. Most of the translations from this page are included in the main screensaver installation package. Default interface language is English.
Language | Updated for version | Download |
Czech | 1.22.2 | cz_setup.exe |
French | 1.22.2 | fr_setup.exe |
German | 1.22.2 | de_setup.exe |
Italian | 1.22.2 | it_setup.exe |
Polish | 1.22.2 | pl_setup.exe |
Russian | 1.22.2 | ru_setup.exe |
Spanish | 1.22.2 | sp_setup.exe |
Turkish | 1.22.2 | tr_setup.exe |
Ukrainian | 1.22.2 | ua_setup.exe |
We need help translating Endless Slideshow Screensaver interface into other languages. If your native language is not listed above and you can translate from English - we'll give you free upgrade to Pro version for your help! Please write us at, tell us what language you can help us with and we'll send you the instructions.