Free photo slideshow screensaver and wallpaper downloader
Endless Slideshow Screensaver updates history
Fixed a bug with the new version information display
Fixed a problem with different scale settings on different monitors
version 2.0.1
Brand new application, rewritten from scratch
Advanced multi-monitor support: select which monitors to use for the slideshow
Configure different slideshows on different monitors
Split every monitor into several slideshow zones that independently transition from one slide to another
Use a fixed photo list or random pictures from local and network folders
Customizable action keys: select the ones you like
and many, many others
version 1.22.2
The background is applied correctly at the beginning of the slideshow
version 1.22.1
Fixed a bug with the static picture background
version 1.22
A couple of new transitions added
Some transitions now have [ alternative style ] which is used at random moments during the slideshow
Windows 11 support improved. Windows should not try to restart the screensaver when it is already running
The wallpaper download module improved
version 1.21.2
Fixed a problem with XMP tags usage
The [ Position small pictures randomly ] option can now be used along with the [ Stretch small pictures ] option which works pretty well on ultra-wide screens
version 1.21.1
Fixed a problem with a picture stretch and Smart crop when the picture height is exactly the same as the monitor height in pixels
[ Smart crop ] option can now be applied to the background when showing the same blurred picture as a background
Added the ability to increase / decrease slideshow delay with [ Up arrow ] and [ Down arrow ] keys while the slideshow is running
Play previous music track on [ M ] key
Music playback can now start from the first track every time the slideshow is started
Added an option to allow screensaver exit only on [ Esc ] key, not on any other
version 1.20.3
Czech interface translation added
The wallpaper download module improved
version 1.20.2
Fixed a bug that prevented copying picture files with the [ X ] key after copying the picture file names to the clipboard with the [ C ] key
version 1.20.1
The value of the [ IPTC: Headline ] tag can now be shown as an Overlay Text
UTF-8 values in IPTC tags are now displayed correctly
version 1.20
Pictures with transparency are displayed and scaled correctly now
Long file names (as well as any other long text without spaces) in now truncated if it does not fit the display area
Support for several image formats improved, including SVG, PSD, XPS, TIFF and some others
version 1.19.1
Minor fixes and improvements
The wallpaper download module improved
version 1.19
Picture rating filter added - view only images with specified ratings, including or excluding unrated pictures.
The wallpaper download module improved
Minor fixes and improvements
version 1.18
Separate overlay text elements can now have their own font, size, color, background, and all other properties - you can customize each overlay text individually now
[ Text during transition ] option behavior was fixed - text is displayed properly now during every stage of the transition
version 1.17.1
Added support for WEBP image format
Minor fixes and improvements
version 1.17
New file and picture filter types are now available. In the File filters users can now limit picture files by file creation and modification dates. In the Picture filters - by aspect ratio, orientation, picture size in pixels and EXIF, IPTC dates.
version 1.16.1
Multi-monitor support fixed
version 1.16
Added the ability to exclude pictures with selected keywords from the slideshow
Added support for [ EXIF: Lens... ] tags
version 1.15
Copy all currently shown picture files to a folder specified in the screensaver settings on the [ X ] key
Added support for multi-line text in Overlay Texts. If an original text does not fit the picture or screen width - it is wrapped to the next line automatically. Also if an original text has several lines - all of them are shown respectively now.
Improved support of international characters in Overlay Texts showing EXIF_XP... tags
version 1.14.6
Access to the online wallpaper repository restored
The wallpaper download module improved
version 1.14.5
Added the ability to enable/disable exit from the screensaver on mouse click
Added [ IPTC: Sub-location ] tag to the list of available Overlay Text tags.
version 1.14.4
EXIF values interpretation updated to keep up with the newer EXIF versions
The wallpaper download module improved
version 1.14.3
Fixed a problem with character encoding when showing information from EXIF and IPTC
Minor fixes and improvements
version 1.14.2
The algorithm that positions pictures in a grid (when there is more than one picture on every monitor) is improved in general and when the [ Stretch small pictures ] option is on.
Spanish interface translation added
Several bugs were fixed
version 1.14.1
Fixed a problem with the screensaver startup when the slideshow had more than 100,000 images
The wallpaper download module improved
version 1.14
Support for Ultra HD (4K, 8K) TVs and monitors. Your photos will look sharp and clear on those devices now!
New overlay text tags allow to display of some picture file information, including file size, creation date/time, modification date/time
version 1.13.2
Duplicate wallpaper downloads prevented
version 1.13.1
Several bugs were fixed
version 1.13
Play music files while the slideshow is running
Pictures with Unicode characters in file names can now be shown in the slideshow
Ability to add local or network folder by typing the full path (useful when the folder is not shown in the folder selection window)
version 1.12
Use the currently shown picture (blurred and stretched to fill the entire screen) as a background
Use user-editable values of Windows Explorer image properties (like Title, Subject, Authors, Tags, and Date Taken) in overlay text
The new screensaver version notification is now visible during the slideshow
All EXIF, IPTC, and Windows Explorer date time tags can now be shown with or without time part
version 1.11.1
.DNG files are now supported
Fixed a bug with incorrect total number of pictures
version 1.11
Multi-lingual interface
Smart image positioning when showing more than one picture per monitor - wide images take more space if it is available
Wallpaper download engine improved
Several minor bugs fixed
version 1.10.2
The installation package now adds a new item to the Endless Slideshow Screensaver folder in the Windows Start menu. This item allows to open the standard Windows Screen Saver Settings window where screensaver auto-start timeout is configured
Wallpaper download engine upgraded
Several bugs were fixed
version 1.10.1
The new overlay text tag allows to see how much time is left until the next slide. Example usage: Next photo in [#ttTimeToNextFrame#]
The slideshow timer can now use hours (and works properly with hours now)
The slideshow timer does not include the transition time anymore. It is strictly time between pictures now - the timer starts after a transition is finished
The built-in bug report system upgraded - it does not use user email anymore to deliver bug reports. Reports are now uploaded directly to the server
version 1.10
Small pictures can be positioned not only in the screen center now but in a random position if they occupy less than any given percentage of available screen space
The wallpaper downloader module updated and now the screensaver downloads more high-quality wallpapers
Automatic check for a new version is now built into the screensaver settings window
Fixed a visual bug with a 1-pixel line not being cleared from the top or left edge of the screen
version 1.9
Overlay text can now be positioned relative to the image, as well as relative to the screen. This one is useful when displaying more than one image per monitor
New option allowing to auto-reset shown images history. Plus a button to manually reset the history
Start-up speed increased a little bit when there are more than 100,000 images in the slideshow
version 1.8.1
Several bugs were fixed
version 1.8
Display up to 20 pictures on every monitor
Freely combine any tags with custom text in the overlay text
Support for IPTC tags in overlay text
Local and network folders are now shown in a tree view, allowing to enable/disable any sub-folder
More than 20 new transition effects
More high-quality wallpapers can be downloaded in every category
version 1.7
New actions: rotate (and automatically save) the currently shown image 90 degrees left or right with the [ L ] and [ R ] buttons
Overlay text (like photo file name, total number of photos, and so on) now shown on all monitors, not only on the main monitor
More randomness: another attempt to shuffle images so that any photo from any folder has a chance to show up in the slideshow at any moment
version 1.6
Some RAW photo formats are now supported
New section in the Viewer tab of screensaver settings: File filters. Options in this section allow to filter files for the slideshow by file format, file size, or EXIF tags
The transition preview window is now available in the Slide Show section of the screensaver settings
version 1.5.1
40 new transition effects
Minor fixes and improvements
version 1.5
Increased startup and shutdown speed. Also, the screensaver can now be interrupted during the initial picture list creation
A new way of resizing the pictures was added: Smart crop. It makes pictures fit the screen without losing the original picture proportions by cutting picture edges
New overlay text tags: [#ttPictureFileNameNoExt#] shows picture file name without extension, [#ttPictureFolderName#] shows picture folder name
Fixed a bug with random angle picture rotation
version 1.4
New overlay text - can be placed anywhere on the screen. It contains any picture information, including EXIF, image file data, and so on, plus any custom text.
Improved the quality of downloaded wallpapers
Copy the current file name to the Windows clipboard with the [ C ] key
Hide / restore all text with the [ H ] key
Minor fixes and improvements
version 1.3.1
Added a possibility to delete a picture that is currently shown with a single key press
Minor fixes and improvements
version 1.3
Improved multi-monitor systems support. Now different monitors show different photos
Sub-folders of selected local or network folders are included automatically now if users choose so
Added a possibility to turn off the screensaver when the monitor is going to the power-save mode
A new way of resizing the pictures was added: Distort to fill the entire screen
Added the ability to draw a frame of a chosen size and color around the photo
Dramatically improved screensaver start-up speed
Added a possibility to show the clock at the bottom status line
version 1.2
Users can now select several wallpaper categories, not just one. Every time the screensaver starts, a random category is chosen among the selected, and wallpapers from that category are downloaded.
The screensaver now stores the list of pictures it has shown before and shows only new pictures
Added slideshow navigation using arrow buttons to view the previous or the next picture
version 1.1
Added an option to exclude unwanted transition effects
Added a possibility to stretch small pictures to the size of the screen